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Graduate Schools

Ceremonies for the IGSN Graduates

A doctorate crowns years of excessive research of a specific topic. A doctorate indicates expertise in this subject. On the job market, however, people will all round skills are sought after, those that can for example present, manage money, are team players, can be a leader and are networked worldwide. This is guaranteed by taking part in our graduate colleges, which offers a structured doctorate program with the aim of intensively preparing the graduate for the complex and interdisciplinary job market of science and support their scientific autonomy.
To offer possibilities for the wide spectrum of our fields, the SFB 1280 has decided to work together with the IGSN as a renown neuroscientific hub as well as the BIOME as a college for the field of medicine with the addition of the focus on neuroscience through the start of the SFB 1280.

IGSN – International Graduate School of Neuroscience

From Molecules to Cognition: Since 2001, the International Graduate School of Neuroscience has been training a new generation of young neuroscientists. The English program teaches the full spectrum of neuroscience, from its molecular basis to higher cognitive functions. The interdisciplinary character of the IGSN is created by the four faculties biology, chemistry, medicine and psychology as well as the institute for neural computation. Students learn from a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to be able to later compete on an international level. In an individualized and focused program it is possible to acquire the title of ‘Doctor of Neuroscience’ within 36 months. Besides the research work, the academic program incorporates a detailed curriculum as well as soft-skills training. The curriculum of the six semesters includes a 14 weeks’ series of lectures ‘From molecules to cognition’, the organization of colloquia and symposia, lab rotations, practical and methodological courses, seminars, journal clubs and personality trainings (such as presentation, rhetoric and management skills).

Ceremonies for our Graduates

BIOME– Graduate School of Biomedical Science. Core: Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience

Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience is the title of a course started in 2017 parallel with the development of the SFB. This is especially catered towards doctoral candidates of the university hospital Essen, who aim for a career in neuroscience. A variety of lecture series and colloquia are hosted by specialists of the medical faculty and visiting scientists. The sessions give a wide overview of fundamental translational and clinical aspects of neuroscience. After the lectures the doctoral students present and discuss their own results in a graduate seminar.

The graduate course focuses on the scientific principle of modern neuroscience in clinical practice. Next to the theoretical presentation BIOME values application in neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases in their curriculum. For this, current research projects from the faculty are presented, regular meet-the-expert panels and yearly retreats add more to the experience.

The Graduate School of Biomedical Science of the medicine and biology faculties of the University Duisburg-Essen offers a focus on behavioural and clinical neuroscience since 2016.

BIOME offer the acquisition of the doctorate of doctor of science (Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, Dr. rer. nat.)


International Graduate School Biosciences

Already in 2004, the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology established the International Graduate School of Biosciences (IGB). This created the foundation for a structured doctoral education and uniform doctoral procedures in biosciences.

The groups involved in the IGB span the Faculties of Biology and Biotechnology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Medicine as well as a few other groups working in biosciences and the research environment currently supports around 200 Ph.D. students.

RUB Research School

A university wide graduate school spanning all fields with exceptional possibilities for support and funding, soft-skill courses and also a postdoctorate program – that is the RUB Research School. The Research School supports doctoral and postdoctoral young scientists by helping them to improve their individual competences and offers the opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange.