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The Neuro-Region

- Metropolitan area Ruhr and beyond

Impressions of our technical infrastructure

Ruhr University Bochum

Research Department of Neuroscience (RDN)

7T animal MRI

3T Research MRI (Philips Achieva)

MRI mock scanner

MRI-compatible EDA, EEG, NMR

128 channel EEG, mobile EEG


Dual-Color STED-Microscope

Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes (Leica MZ 16 FA)

Multiphotonenmikroskopes (Bruker Ultima 2Pplus, Newport Spectra-Physics)

Confocal Microscopes (Leica TCS SP5 II)

Mini-Microscope (Inscopix nVista)

Axioscope with Neurolucida 3D reconstruction (Zeiss)

Fluorescence and absorption spectrometers (Horiba, Duetta)

Behavioral arenas with various test setups and video systems (DeepLabCut)


University Duisburg-Essen

University Hospital

3T PET-MRI (Siemens Biograph)

3T MRI (Siemens Skyra)

1.5T-MRI (Siemens Aero / Avanto / Sonata)

MR compatible EDA, EyeLink, Thermode

Vibratome (Leica VT 1000S)

Operating microscope (Zeiss)

Photometer (Eppendorf BioPhotometer™)

Flow cytomes, haematology system, POC diagnostic system, PCR system, thermal cycler, etc.

Erwin L Hahn Institute

7T Research MRI (Siemens Magnetom Terra)

MR-compatible EDA, EyeLink


3T Research MRI (Siemens)



EEG, mobile EEG


ELH in the backdrop of the world heritage
coal plant Zollverein