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The core of the SFB 1280

86 billion neurons, connected trillion of times. Plenty of room for the brain to anchor memories. Extinction learning is therefore extremely complex;
the SFB 1280 sets out a clear concept for its research.

19 part projects – 1 concept

The work groups of the SFB 1280 approach their questions and studies from very different perspectives. In the Collaborative Research Centre neural, behavioural, educative, ontogenetic and clinical mechanisms of extinction learning in different species including humans are combined. It would be difficult to put the projects into categories regarding topic. Rather they combine the systematic and technical diversity of the approaches with high level of unity on structural, experimental and conceptual levels. This means, for example, that all neurobiological and clinical projects focus on a number of brain areas that constitute the extinction network. These projects all use similar testing methods in order to optimise the exchange of data and knowledge. All this acquired data from the SFB 1280 subprojects will be integrated in the Focus Groups for learning dynamics and imaging for new, superordinate analyses.
All research aims to test a set of central hypotheses for the mechanisms of extinction learning with each individual project testing several of these hypotheses. With this strategy the SFB 1280 wants to analyse the similar and distinct mechanisms extinction learning for different systems and organisms. Its scientists are convinced that this is a promising approach for translational insights between fundamental research and clinical as well as social sciences.

The 12-years-perspective

A Sonderforschungsbereich creates the unique opportunity to deepen insights in a research field and to investigate all relevant components. The outlook of SFB 1280 for the entire 12 years includes the further development of four additional components:

  • to further integrate theoretical neuroscience,
  • integrate (epi-)genetics as a field of research,
  • start ontogenetic longitudinal studies
  • and entrench the position of SFB 1280 as a visible centre of neuroscience of learning.
Einverständniserklärung Nr. 480ab

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