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A15 – Understanding the prediction error driving extinction

Harald Lachnit, Metin Üngör (associated investigator)

Five independent work packages will investigate fundamental predictions of summed error correction, especially that non-reinforced presentations of a cue are neither necessary nor sufficient to induce extinction. Instead, crucial factors should be type and strength of error signals triggered in the specific learning situation. Our aim is to understand how organisms integrate multiple signals to achieve a predictive model of their environment and how predictive values of multiple signals are modulated by experience in order to maintain a match between prediction and reality. 

Guiding questions of A15:

  • Is extinction modulated by the strength of negative prediction errors?
  • Do outcome omissions lead to acquisition when the outcome is under-expected?
  • Do outcome parings lead to extinction when the outcome is over-expected?
  • Is acquisition modulated by the strength of positive prediction errors?
  • Is extinction in multiple stimuli driven by the same error signal?

Harald Lachnit


Philipps-Universität Marburg

Metin Üngör

Projektleiter F01

Philipps-Universität Marburg

9 project-relevant publications

Lipp J, Draganova R, Batsikadze G, Ernst TM, Uengoer M, Timmann D (2019) Prefrontal but not cerebellar tDCS attenuates renewal of extinguished conditioned eyeblink responses. Neurobiol Learn Mem: 107137.

Nieto J, Mason TA, Bernal-Gamboa R, Uengoer M (2020) The impacts of acquisition and extinction cues on ABC renewal of voluntary behaviors. Learn Mem. 27(3): 114–118.

Packheiser J, Pusch R, Stein CC, Güntürkün O, Lachnit H, Uengoer M (2020) How competitive is cue competition? Q J Exp Psychol. 73(1): 104–114.

Steiner KM, Jansen S, Adeishvili N, Hulst T, Ernst TM, Müller O, Wondzinski E, Göricke SL, Siebler M, Uengoer M, Timmann D (2020) Extinction of cognitive associations is preserved in patients with cerebellar disease. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 169: 107185.

Uengoer M, Klass A, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2020) Test-retest reliability of response recovery after discrimination reversal learning. Behav Processes. 176: 104107.

Uengoer M, Lachnit H, Pearce JM (2019) The fate of redundant cues in human predictive learning: The outcome ratio effect. Q J Exp Psychol. 72(8): 1747021818820042.

Uengoer M, Lachnit H, Pearce JM (2020) The role of common elements in the redundancy effect. J Exp Psychol Anim Learn Cogn. 46(3): 286–296.

Uengoer M, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Manahan-Vaughan D, Lachnit H (2020) Principles of extinction learning of nonaversive experience. Neuroforum. 26(3): 151–158.

Uengoer M, Thorwart A, Lucke S, Woehr M, Lachnit H (2020) Adding or removing context components equally disrupts extinction in human predictive learning. Behav Processes. 179.