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The SFB 1280 is participating in this year’s RUB Open Science Week from 23-27 October with a workshop on the FAIR data principles (Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Reusable) and Open Data.

With the Open Science Week, the Ruhr University will be presenting a week with a total of 20 different events on what can be achieved with Open Access, Open Data, Open Educational Research and transparent research data management, what an open data policy is for, what makes it so valuable and how researchers can implement it and benefit from it.
For SFB 1280, Marlene Pacharra and Raisa Barthauer are organising a workshop on FAIR principles and Open Data on Monday 23 October and at FDM Services on 26 October.
The topics will include why researchers should make their data openly available, the difference between FAIR and Open Data, and practical examples of how to implement these principles.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Further information on the event and insights into the weekly programme can be found at https://uni.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/de/open-science-week.

Here’s more information about project INF of the SFB 1280: https://sfb1280.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/en/research/projects/inf/

And here about the WG RDM of the RUB: https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/researchdata/contact.html