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Thinking outside the box: reclaiming the evening after work

In our series “Thinking outside the box” you will find articles about the world of neuroscience, bioinformatics, memory research and other exciting research fields that are not directly related to the SFB 1280.

The RUB news portal reports:

Closing time. Computer off. But your head keeps rattling. And when the cell phone lights up seductively, you’re quickly back at work. Marcel Kern is researching how to escape this spiral.

“My research actually came about because I was affected myself,” says Marcel Kern, Professor of Work and Health at the RUB. “I often couldn’t switch off in the evening and asked myself: why can’t I let go?” The fact that thoughts revolve around work even after work hours keeps many from falling asleep. Marcel Kern is investigating this phenomenon in his research. He investigates how digital technologies and mobile work affect well-being and develops strategies that help people reduce the stress caused by work. He has been cooperating intensively with Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly from the University of Kassel for some time.

Complete original article of the RUB: >>

Original article as PDF: >>

Scientific Paper: >>