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SFB 1280 Summer Retreat 2019: Past, Present, Future

It is now a good two years since our network began its work as an SFB. The projects are running at full speed and it is a pleasure to observe this development. To keep the SFB agile, it was time to discuss achievements and new options: PIs, postdocs and doctoral students were invited to discuss the research status of the projects on two days in Düsseldorf’s beautiful city centre.

Time flies: This summer, the SFB 1280 has reached half time and so we are already thinking seriously about the planning of the follow-up application. When we laid the foundations of the SFB in March 2015, our retreat was entitled “The Past, the Present and the Future”. This motto brought us luck, which is why we also met in summer 2019 under this title. More than 50 members from the various specialist areas were present, giving interesting and informative lectures or exchanging ideas in small group discussions.

The SFB 1280 says many thanks to all participants for the successful retreat!