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A08 – Structural, process- and context-related factors mediating the renewal effect of extinction

Silke Lissek, Martin Tegenthoff

We will study factors that potentially influence the strength of the renewal effect of extinction: i.e. external (context-related) and internal (structural and process-related) potential moderators of renewal. By manipulating the saliency and generalizability of contexts, we aim to alter context processing and thus the level of renewal. By means of pharmacological intervention, we will modulate initial learning of associations to investigate potential effects upon renewal. Using various neuroimaging methods, we will relate task-associated activation in extinction-relevant brain regions, functional and structural connectivity as well as structural brain features to the propensity of showing renewal.

Guiding questions of A08:

  • To what degree can structural or process-related moderators predict the probability of showing renewal?
  • Can renewal be intensified or reduced by modulating context-related moderators such as salience or generalizability, with corresponding effects upon brain activation patterns?

Our proposed studies will extend the present knowledge about the mechanisms of the context-related recovery of extinguished responses and thus can provide new insights for therapeutic interventions.

Silke Lissek

Projektleiterin A08

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Martin Tegenthoff

Projektleiter A08

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Anne Klass

Postdoc A08

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Alina Nostadt

Doktorandin A08

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

10 project-relevant publications

Klass A, Glaubitz B, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2017) D-Cycloserine facilitates extinction learning and enhances extinction-related brain activation. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 144: 235–247.

Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2018) The effects of dopaminergic stimulation upon behavioral and neural correlates of renewal depend on individual context processing propensities. NeuroImage. 169: 69–79.

Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Schmidt-Wilcke T, Tegenthoff M (2016) Hippocampal context processing during acquisition of a predictive learning task is associated with renewal in extinction recall. J Cogn Neurosci. 28: 747–762.

Lissek S, Glaubitz B, Uengoer M, Tegenthoff M (2013) Hippocampal activation during extinction learning predicts occurrence of the renewal effect in extinction recall. NeuroImage. 81: 131–143.

Lissek S, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2019) Effects of noradrenergic stimulation upon context-related extinction learning performance and BOLD activation in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex differ between participants showing and not showing renewal. Front Behav Neurosci. 13: 78.

Lissek S, Klass A, Tegenthoff M (2020) Left inferior frontal gyrus participates in mediating the renewal effect irrespective of context salience. Front Behav Neurosci. 14: 43.

Meier Drexler S, Merz CJ, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Wolf OT (2019) Reactivation of the unconditioned stimulus inhibits the return of fear independent of cortisol. Front Behav Neurosci. 13: 254.

Raeder F, Merz CJ, Tegenthoff M, Wolf OT, Margraf J, Zlomuzica A (2019) Post-exposure cortisol administration does not augment the success of exposure therapy: A randomized placebo-controlled study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 99: 174–182.

Uengoer M, Klass A, Tegenthoff M, Lissek S (2020) Test-retest reliability of response recovery after discrimination reversal learning. Behav Processes. 176: 104107.

Uengoer M, Lissek S, Tegenthoff M, Manahan-Vaughan D, Lachnit H (2020) Principles of extinction learning of non-aversive experience. Neuroforum. 26(3): 151–158.