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Under the motto “Promoting and refining data: Bring your data treasure to light”, various universities from North Rhine-Westphalia will come together on November 14, 2023 on the topic of research data management to share their knowledge and practical experience with each other.

The event team describes the day as follows

“The proven concept of this state-wide day of action consists of a joint, cross-location morning program and local afternoon programs at the participating universities. The universities have the opportunity to draw attention to their service points and to offer and advertise individual RDM services and training courses. The aim of the action day is to sensitize researchers to the topic of RDM and to increase the visibility of RDM by bundling a variety of events.”

The SFB 1280 will also be represented, with Jonas Rose (A19) giving a lightning talk on “RDM from a user’s perspective” in the cross-location morning program. In the RUB’s own afternoon program, Nina Winter (INF) will present the RUB’s new Research Data Management System “ReSeeD” (https://datarepository.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/), which the SFB helped to develop: >>

Further information can be found on the event website: >>