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Research Support

In addition to the dedicated support services at their institutions, SFB researchers have access to an extensive SFB-internal support structure. In addition to direct contact persons, there are many useful links and collections of information; a detailed overview can be found at the end of this page.

Important note

The central, SFB-internal contact point for SFB researchers is the SFB Knowledge Base with extensive information on SFB and institution-specific contact persons, support for good scientific practice, guidance on Open Science topics, materials and resources for the implementation of SFB studies, as well as tools and SFB pipelines the analysis of research data.

For questions or additions to the SFB Knowledge Base, please contact SFB Project INF at: sfb1280data@rub.de.

Our support team

Technology and method counseling

Xavier Helluy

MRT Physiker

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dirk Moser

Laborleiter Molekulargenetik

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Harald Lachnit


Philipps-Universität Marburg

Annemie van der Linden


Universität Antwerpen

Tobias Otto

Projektleiter INF

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Nina Winter

Projektleiterin INF

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Research data and open science

Assistance with specific questions

Creation of the research concept and research design

Project F01 supports SFB researchers in the application of dynamic analysis methods and advises them in advance on their experimental design and learning paradigms.

Contact: uengoer@staff.uni-marburg.de

Research Data Management (RDM)

Support in all questions of research data management is provided by project INF against the background of the RDM policy of the SFB. This includes e.g. consulting on data management plans and workflows, training on RDM, and development of new SFB tools for data management.

SFB-internal research funding

For assistance with SFB-internal treasure chest applications, please contact the SFB Coordination.

Contact: extinction-learning@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Ethics application and data protection

Central contacts here are, of course, the local ethics committees and data protection officers. Based on consultations with them, the SFB provides standardized passages e.g. on data exchange and collaboration for the ethics applications (see Knowledge Base).

Data acquisition

In the SFB Knowledge Base, SFB researchers can find materials and resources for the implementation of an SFB study (e.g., tool for generating the SFB experimental subject code, standardized SFB questionnaires as well as templates for web-based implementation, standardized fMRI sequences, handouts and video tutorials for sample collection).

Data analysis and interpretation

SFB researchers can find tools and pipelines for analyzing their research data (e.g., EDA) in the SFB Knowledge Base. Project INF, F01 and F02 support researchers in their use.

Open Science

The central contact here is the SFB’s Open Science Task Force, which provides a variety of materials and guidance (e.g., how do I pre-register) on the Knowledge Base.

Contact: sfb1280data@rub.de

Public Relations

Project Ö supports SFB researchers in all questions of public relations and science communication.

Contact:  sfb1280-Presse@rub.de