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INF - Central Research Data Management

Tobias Otto, Nina Winter

Research data is one of the most important resources in science and requires a particularly high level of attention to ensure good scientific practice. Therefore, sustainable research data management (RDM) is the foundation for current and future research.

For this reason, one goal of SFB 1280 is to ensure that research data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable in accordance with FAIR principles, which is reflected in the SFB’s Research Data Policy.

With the start of the second funding period of SFB 1280, all RDM activities in the SFB are centrally coordinated by the Central Research Data Management (INF) project. In close consultation with the Data Management Board of the SFB, the INF project supports the researchers in improving their daily RDM routines and develops a sustainable and innovative RDM strategy together with the researchers.

In addition, the INF project organizes workshops on RDM relevant topics (e.g. Brain Imaging Data Structure) and regular Lab-Data-Cleaning-Days in the SFB to further sensitize researchers for the management of their research data.

All RDM activities of the SFB 1280 are networked with international RDM communities in the field of neuroscience and are carried out in close collaboration with the Open Science working group of the SFB and the central research data management working group of the RUB.

For example, the INF project supports the development of the RUB’s own research data repository as a use case for the SFB and develops workflows for it that allow the management of research data and metadata and their quality assurance. The goal is to secure the data for 10 years according to DFG specifications and, whenever possible according to data protection regulations, to publish it with a Persistent Identifier (PID).


For more information or detailed advice on research data management in SFB 1280, please contact Maryam Alashloo (sfb1280data@rub.de), Research Data Steward in SFB 1280.

Tobias Otto

Projektleiter INF

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Nina Winter

Projektleiterin INF

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Maryam Alashloo

Data Steward INF

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

10 project-relevant publications

Otto, T., Rose, J. (2023) The open toolbox for behavioral research. Behav Res

Pacharra, M., Winter, N. O. C., & Otto, T. (2024). Bringing Neuroscientific Data to Sustainability: Embedded Data Stewardship in CRC 1280. Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement, (2), 1–12.

Diers E, Pacharra M, Merz CJ, Ernst TM, Otto T (2023) Subject Code Generator v1.1 (v1.1). Zenodo.

Grasse, M., López, A., & Winter, N. (2018) Musterleitlinie Für Forschungsdatenmanagement (Fdm) An Hochschulen Und Forschungseinrichtungen.

Grasse M, López A, Winter N (2018) Landesinitiative NFDI –a Central Point of Contact for RDM for Higher Education Institutions in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Data Sci J. 17:25.

Linn S, Otto T (26/27.09.2018) Workshop Forschungsdatenmanagement und -infrastruktur in SFB, Göttingen. Fokusgruppen als Motor intrinsischen Forschungsdatenmanagements. 

Pacharra, M., Otto, T. and Winter, N.O.C. (2025) From Bench to Brain: A Metadata-driven Approach to Research Data Management in a Collaborative Neuroscientific Research Center. Data Science Journal, 24: 2, pp. 1-10.

Otto T, Wolf OT, & Merz C. (2023). EDA-Analysis App (5.11). Zenodo.

Pacharra M, Linn S, Frenzel J, Winter NOC, Otto T (13.11.2022) Society of Neuroscience annual meeting 2022, From daily storage to data publication – Managing research data collaboratively across institutions, Poster 245.07 / XX48

Rose J, Otto T, Dittrich L (2008) The Biopsychology-Toolbox: a free, open-source Matlab-toolbox for the control of behavioral experiments. J Neurosci Methods. 175(1): 104–107.