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F02 – Focus Group Neuroimaging and Genetics

Nikolai Axmacher, Dagmar Timmann-Braun, Robert Kumsta

In year 1, the Focus Group Neuroimaging staff will analyze selected existing data sets of FOR 1581, including re-analyses of fMRI data using normalization methods optimized for the cerebellum. They will also coordinate, prepare and optimize the acquisition of human neuroimaging data (rsfMRI and DTI). In years 2–4, meta-analytic approaches will be used to analyze the differential relationship between functional and structural connectivity and extinction learning across subprojects. State-of-the-art analysis procedures for structural and functional connectivity analysis as well as optimized normalization protocols of the cerebellum will be made accessible to all neuroimaging subprojects throughout the entire funding period.

Hypothesis of F02:

  • Functional and structural connectivity of the extinction network allow predicting inter-individual differences in the efficacy of extinction learning across paradigms.
  • Extinction of appetitive and aversive learning relies on partly distinct functional and structural connectivity patterns.
  • The cerebellum shows pronounced functional and structural connectivity with other areas of the extinction network. Connectivity patterns of different cerebellar subregions play specific roles for different aspects of extinction.
  • Functional and structural connectivity of the extinction network is systematically altered in patients with disturbed extinction.
  • Genetic variability predicts inter-individual differences of functional and structural connectivity of
    the extinction network.

Nikolai Axmacher

Projektleiter A02, A03, F02

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dagmar Timmann

Projektleiterin A05, F02

Universität Duisburg-Essen

Robert Kumsta

Projektleiter F02

Universität Luxemburg

Tamás Spisák

Projekleiter F02 (Assoziiert)

Predictive NeuroImaging Lab

Carlos A. Gomes

Postdoc F02

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Robert Englert

Doktorand F02

Universität Duisburg-Essen

Javier Schneider Penate

Doktorand F02

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

10 project-relevant publications

Bierbrauer A, Kunz L, Gomes CA, Luhmann M, Deuker L, Getzmann S, Wascher E, Gajewski PD, Hengstler JG, Fernandez-Alvarez M, Atienza M, Cammisuli DM, Bonatti F, Pruneti C, Percesepe A, Bellaali Y, Hanseeuw B, Strange BA, Cantero JL, Axmacher N (2020) Unmasking selective path integration deficits in Alzheimer’s disease risk carriers. Sci Adv. 6(35): eaba1394.

Dieckmann L, Cole S, Kumsta R (2020) Stress genomics revisited: gene co-expression analysis identifies molecular signatures associated with childhood adversity. Transl Psychiatry. 10(1): 34.

Ernst TM, Thürling M, Müller S, Kahl F, Maderwald S, Schlamann M, Boele H-J, Koekkoek SKE, Diedrichsen J, Zeeuw CI de, Ladd ME, Timmann D (2017) Modulation of 7 T fMRI Signal in the Cerebellar Cortex and Nuclei During Acquisition, Extinction, and Reacquisition of Conditioned Eyeblink Responses. Hum Brain Mapp. 38(8): 3957–3974.

Ernst TM, Brol AE, Gratz M, Ritter C, Bingel U, Schlamann M, Maderwald S, Quick HH, Merz CJ, Timmann D (2019) The cerebellum is involved in processing of predictions and prediction errors in a fear conditioning paradigm. ELife. 8.

Gomes CA, Steiner KM, Ludolph N, Spisak T, Ernst TM, Mueller O, Göricke SL, Labrenz F, Ilg W, Axmacher N, Timmann D. Resection of cerebellar tumours causes widespread and functionally relevant white matter impairments. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 Apr 15;42(6):1641-1656. 

Kumsta R (2019) The role of epigenetics for understanding mental health difficulties and its implications for psychotherapy research. Psychol Psychother. 92(2): 190–207.

Kunz L, Schröder TN, Lee H, Montag C, Lachmann B, Sariyska R, Reuter M, Stirnberg R, Stöcker T, Messing-Floeter PC, Fell J, Doeller CF, Axmacher N (2015) Reduced grid-cell-like representations in adults at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Science. 350(6259): 430–433.

Lee H, Stirnberg R, Wu S, Wang X, Stöcker T, Jung S, Montag C, Axmacher N (2020) Genetic Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Affects the Neural Mechanisms of Pattern Separation in Hippocampal Subfields. Curr Biol. 30(21): 4201-4212.e3

Sicorello M, Dieckmann L, Moser D, Lux V, Luhmann M, Schlotz W, Kumsta R (2020) Oxytocin and the stress buffering effect of social company: a genetic study in daily life. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 15(3): 293–301.

Thürling M, Kahl F, Maderwald S, Stefanescu MR, Schlamann M, Boele H-J, Zeeuw CI de, Diedrichsen J, Ladd ME, Koekkoek SKE, Timmann D (2015) Cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei are concomitantly activated during eyeblink conditioning: a 7T fMRI study in humans. J Neurosci. 35(3): 1228–1239.