Short-Movie Workshop
for movie&neuro&interested scientists
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At least you may peak what behind the courtain what was done
Dare to change perspective
Short Movie Workshop "Rememberance, Forgetting, Displacement"
Film and neuroscientists as well as psychologists of the universities of Bochum and Magdeburg invite you to a joint experiment on Friday, 10 May, 4-8pm ct. Under the title
“Remembrance, Forgetting , Displacement”, in the art cinema endstation.kino they present a selection of short films.
Unsparing and vital, poetic and funny movie moments, which are presented as brief as they are knowledgeable by both scientific representations. Short film is the species, that gets together our interdisciplinary audience and lifts them with their cinema seat into the perspective of the other research topic. The cinema in Langendreer station is always worth a visit. Especially this evening! If you like to, let the discussion end at the bar or in the restaurant. The train connections on site are well. If you take the journey, we would be happy to have an exchange of ideas beforehand in the laboratory, e.g. of Biopsychology or another from the SFB 1280. Do not hesitate, join. Admission is free.
The program takes place from 4:15 pm to 8:00 pm. There will be a break around 6pm. At the beginning of each of the two film-blocks, neuro and film scientists will give 10-minute “visual aid”-introduction.
Questions are welcomed by our coordinator Sandra Linn >>
How to get there
Wallbaumweg 108
44894 Bochum
Tel 0234 / 687 16 20
Easy to reach by train and car >>

With gratitude
A co-production of
Bertram Gerber || LIN Magdeburg, Neurobiology
Carsten Spicher || International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Felix Hasebrink, Julia Eckel & Hilde Hoffmann || Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Media Science
Onur Güntürkün, Jürgen Margraf & members of SFB 1280 || Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Psychology