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This time we are really going into practice: Dr. Marlies Pinnow is a psychologist and heads the motivation working group at Ruhr University Bochum – which means you can learn from her what keeps us on our feet at heart. How do I achieve my goals? How do I even know what my goals are? How can I stay motivated? Do I always have to be brave and hard-working to get where I want to go?

Joking aside, presenter and poetry slammer Rainer Holl asks Marlies Pinnow what psychology knows about our inner motivations, how neuroscientific findings prove themselves in practice and what amazing insights motivational psychology has revealed about the goals we set ourselves.
This episode is full of tips for all those who don’t know exactly where their good intentions have actually disappeared to (it’s only April …) and how they can really achieve their goals and wishes. Of course, despite all this practical experience, Marlies Pinnow does not neglect basic research, as she has a wealth of experience and a varied life of research in psychology and neuroscience to share.

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