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In the ReproducibiliTEA Journal Club SFB 1280, organised by Gen Hartanto (A10), George Jacob (A03), Robert Reichert (A01) and Lianne Wolsink (A09), articles on the topics of reproducibility and open science are read and discussed together. The sessions take place once a month hybrid both in attendance in IB/6-127 and online via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join in, ask questions and share thoughts. The topics for this semester are: p-hacking, transparent data visualisation, pre-registration, multiverse analysis, Bayesian statistics and the theory crisis. Kicking off on 10/10/2023 at 14:00 is “Big Little Lies: A Compednium and Simulation of p-hacking Strategies” by Stefan & Schönbrodt (2023).

The full programme is available here: >>

And further information can be found on the project page of the Journal Club at the Center for Open Science: >>