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eigen.regie – An evening because of and against loneliness

On the occasion of the nationwide campaign week “Together out of loneliness” 2024, proclaimed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, an evening event on the topic of loneliness took place in the packed Kammerspiele of the Bochum Schauspielhaus on Tuesday, June 18 at 7.30 pm.

“eigen.regie – Ein Abend wegen und gegen Einsamkeit” was a stage discussion with people who are confronted with the topic through their work, their personal commitment and their experiences. Because they want to research it scientifically, solve it politically, make it more bearable through commitment or problematize it in the media and artistically. At eigen.regie, protagonists from the fields of science, culture, sport, journalism and social volunteering spoke about loneliness as a problem and how it can be solved – in an entertaining way and yet appropriate to the seriousness of the topic.

Participants included sociologist Dr. Marie-Kristin Döbler (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg), musician Joris, poetry slammer Sebastian 23, ToM – Theater ohne Mittel, presenter, journalist and DJ Miriam Davoudvandi, Steven Bauernfeind from Nightline Bochum, former VfL Bochum player and long-standing board member Patrick Fabian and musician Antje Schomaker, with Freddie Schürheck as moderator, hosted by Freddie Schürheck from Radio 1Live and Sat1 and with a video greeting from NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst.

In addition to this discussion format, a total of 7 workshops took place throughout the week of action, in which very different social groups set out on a joint search for concrete solution ideas, common wishes and political scope. The workshops took place in cooperation with municipal initiatives, clubs and associations, including Ruhr-Universität Bochum and VfL Bochum.

The SFB 1280 actively supported the organization of this evening with its Ö project, because we perceived the project as an extraordinary opportunity to support the dialogue about a relevant psychological phenomenon across research and social boundaries, which affects everyone and which also takes place in the university environment. After the SFB 1280 itself had the great honor of hosting Braintalks at Schauspielhaus Bochum last year, we used this experience to encourage and support the eigen. initiative to also dedicate an event to their cause in front of and with the public urban society. eigen. is a voluntary initiative that is actively committed to the growing challenge of loneliness.

Idea and organization: Tim Kramer, Sonja Israel (eigen.ruhr)
Support and cooperation: SFB 1280, Ruhr-Uni Bochum, VfL Bochum, Stadt Bochum uvw.
More on the initiative „eigen.“: www.eigen.ruhr/eigenregie or www.instagram.com/eigen.bochum/

Impressionen vom Abend:

Phots © Finn Kantus
Poster: © Tim Kramer and Sonja Israel (eigen.)