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Colloquium – SFB 1280 presents: Karin Roloefs

Unfortunately the visit of Karin Roelofs has to be postponed. The new date will be on 02.04.2025 at 13:15!

We are happy to welcome Karin Roloefs from the Donders Institute at Raboud Universiteit, NL as part of our colloquium series SFB 1280 presents!

Central theme of the session: While scientists have traditionally considered automatic defensive responses to threat to be primarily relevant to animal behavior, a growing body of evidence suggests that these responses – in particular freezing and associated psychophysiological states – play a crucial role in human approach/avoidance decisions and the development of anxiety disorders. In her talk, Karin Roloefs addresses how the balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic activity during freezing influences decision-making during acute threat, and why incorporating these defense mechanisms is essential for both the advancement of computational psychiatry and our understanding of human resilience.

More info here: >> or scan the QR code

Date postponed! The date on the poster is not correct, the new date is 02.04.2025 at 13:15!