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Two researchers from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have come up with a new theory of consciousness. They have long been concerned with the question of what the nature of consciousness is, how and where the brain generates consciousness, and whether animals also have consciousness. The new concept describes consciousness as a state tied to complex cognitive operations – rather than a basic passive state that automatically prevails during wakefulness.

Prof. Dr. Armin Zlomuzica, Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience group at RUB, and Prof. Dr. Ekrem Dere, formerly at Université Paris-Sorbonne, now at RUB, describe their theory in the journal Behavioural Brain Research. The printed version will be published on February 15, 2022; online, the article has been available since late November 2021.

Original article of the RUB: >>

Original article as PDF: >>

Scientific Paper: >>