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SFB 1280 invites: Anne Schienle: “Disgust – behavioral and neuronal correlates”

The SFB 1280 invites you to an exciting talk by Prof. Dr. Anne Schienle. Guests are welcome, please register briefly at extinction-learning@rub.de. The talk will be held in German.

Who Prof. Dr. Anne Schienle >> , University of Graz, Institute of Psychology

What Disgust – behavioral and neuronal correlates: The significance of feelings of disgust and various facets of trait disgust (disgust sensitivity, disgust sensitivity and self-disgust) will be examined in the context of selected psychological disorders such as specific phobias, dermatillomania and borderline personality disorder. In addition, neuronal correlates of these ‘disgust disorders’ as well as exciting findings from placebo studies on disgust regulation will be presented.

When Thursday, 05.12.2024, 12.30pm
Where Bochumer Fenster or Zoom – More information after registration