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RUB Open Science Week

The RUB news portal reports:

At the Open Science Week, from 23 to 27 October 2023, interested parties can find out how teaching materials or research data can be made publicly accessible. In different formats from keynote to workshop, topics such as Open Access, Open Data and Open Educational Resources will be highlighted.

There is something for both open science newcomers and advanced users. Basically, the event is aimed at researchers, teachers, students, and generally anyone interested in Open Science.

The SFB 1280 is also represented, on Monday, 23.10 as well as on Thursday, 26.10 Marlene Pacharra (INF) together with Raisa Barthauer from the RUB University Library will deal with the topics “FAIR and Open Data: Implementation in Theory and Practice” (23.10) and “FDM-Services at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum” (26.10) and Lianne Wolsink (A09) will be part of the Expert Panel Discussion on Tuesday, 24.10 on the topic “Open Science: What, Why and Why for me”.

More info is available on the official website >> and in the program booklet >>.

Original article of the RUB (german): >>

Original article as PDF (german): >>